Black Death is a selection of many animations created as a collaboration between faculty and students at The University of Texas at Dallas, highlighting the courses taught by Dr. Siham Raboune, Dr. Katrina Rushing, and Dr. Christine Veras. This collaboration brings together students from Neuropharmacology, Music Theory, and Experimental Animation to create short animations on the topics of mental health aimed at young adults on our campus. This included topics such as social anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, and drug abuse. Black Death focuses on alcohol use. The animation was made with a paint-on-glass animation technique using tempera paint. It consists of hundreds of paintings and was created over 6 weeks and 100 man hours. Black Death was also screened at The University of Dallas Creative Research Symposium and The 9th Annual All Campus Mini-Conference (scroll down for more information)

The University of Dallas Creative Research Symposium
The Arts and Humanities Creative Research Symposium is a dedicated showcase of the creative research by the Bass School Faculty and highlights the work of the 2024 Arts and Humanities Faculty Grant recipients. Black Death was screened as a part of a presentation by Dr. Katrina Rushing and Dr. Christine Veras to showcase student work created in their high-level classes taught at The University of Texas at Dallas.
The 9th Annual All Campus Mini-Conference was an event for faculty to share their successes in developing innovative teaching strategies related to an overall theme of making connections. Presentations featured a variety of approaches to helping students appreciate the connections between coursework and purpose, building connections between themselves and the instructor.