The Tale of Búkolla Puppets
As The Tale of Búkolla is a preexisting story set in Iceland, I wanted to draw inspiration from classic depictions of the culture. The sketch and recreation of my trolls are directly based on the amazing imagination of Brian Pilkington and his interpretation of trolls which has become the most recognizable version in media. The Boy, who features as the main character, wears traditional Icelandic clothing such as tail-cap or skotthúfa, and Búkolla is based on Ãslenskur nautgripur, Icelandic cattle.
The Little Witche
My short animation, The Little Witch Trip, is a tribute to my favorite art mediums, each brought to life in a unique style. One of them is stop motion, where I crafted a puppet. The puppet is made from a wire armature for allowed posablility including the hands. The face and feet are sculpted with Sculpy clay and painted with acrylic. The extra expressions, such as the mouth, were paper cutouts.
Star Boy is a character used for a student project. He has a simple wire armature surrounded by a felt fabric lining. I used needle felting to create the shape of the body and starhead along with sculpted eyeballs. Pastels were then used to create the orange glow along the ends of the limbs. The mask is sculpted clay with magnets inside to allow the yellow eyes upon the mask to move.
Mini Me
Mini me was a venture to make a puppet version of myself. She is styled to look just like me in one of my favorite outfits and signature glasses. I started with a simple wire armature and created a felt lining around it to act as the base of the armature. I then proceeded to buff up and sculpt the puppet with stuffing by needle-feting the figure. After bulking, I needle-felted the outfit and details such as the face and hair. I also sewed a small but strong magnet into a pouch, which I then sewed onto the bottom of both her feet to allow her to stand on metal surfaces for posing. Final details, such as embroidered seams and pockets on the trousers, along with sewn-on buttons, were added to enhance the doll's intricacy. Finally, I made a tiny pair of glasses with wire and painted them with acrylic to match my own.